Gasoline HDS Plant – Control Loops Tuning

The Gasoline HDS plant control loops were re-tuned as part of re-tuning all the control loops in the HDS plants.

Loops were tuned to get the best performance to their duty and efforts were done to compare it’s functioning prior and after the tuning

Tuning was done by “Ziegler Nichols” approach – namely – finding the ultimate process gain and ultimate process dynamics and setting the controller’s parameters accordingly – bearing in mind the controller duty and the characteristics of the expected behavior..

The control performance is calculated and presented using two indices:

1.      Process value Standard Deviation (STD)


2. Process Value Travel Index (Process travel)

Economical Benefits:
The improvement of temperature control in the column TOP TEMP only, brought savings of nearly 1 Million $/Year by reducing product RVP and savings in steam due to better temperature control and reduction in the reflux.